Watercolor Paint Background

April Graves


"Be creative every day"

Watercolor Paint Background

Now Available

#4 Amazon Bestseller!

Mountains Silhouette Illustration

Look for us in

Buena Vista, CO

Check out my author page ​from local bookstore

Brushstroke Arrow Smooth Round Curve
Teal Wall Paint

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  • Bulk Rate
  • Signed Copies
  • School Presentation
  • Book Signing Event
  • Meet & Greet with Pip

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Snow elements, winter design
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Book Signing

Pip and I were overwhelmed with the love & support at these events! Thank you to all who could attend!

“Meet the Hotdogs”

Fan Club

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About Me

Photo taken in beautiful, Buena Vista, Colorado

I have been passionate about art since my childhood! I ​graduated from Rockford University with a Bachelors in ​Art History, a Bachelors of Fine Arts in Studio, and ​Masters of Arts in Teaching. I am currently an art teacher ​in northern Illinois and am so excited to be in the process ​of publishing my first children's picture book!

Pictured: (left to right) Richard Bray, daughter Darien, Me, husband ​Trevor, daughter Abby, son-in-law Sawyer

and our furry babies.

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My Journey

I have wanted to write and illustrate a children's picture book for ​over 20 years-so I'm making my dream come true! I recently ​completed several writing and publishing classes and joined ​multiple writing groups.

I found that reading children's books has provided the greatest ​inspiration and most of all, to never give up pursuing your dreams.

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Brazil Book���S Day Holiday Element

In My Book Bag

It Began with Lemonade

Written by

Gideon Sterer

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